Wanna 'Feel Seen?' Do This!
The Cutie Booty Magazine launched in 2017 as the first effort from Cutie Booty Media, INC. ..and it wasn't even a Magazine yet. The Magazine started out as a space for Cuties to enjoy fashion, sexual health, black culture, taboo topics and finance tips. And none of that worked. We now know why, but before we come to that dramatic finale we would like to take you on a journey of what building a personal brand requires. It's confusing. It's chaos. It's out of order. It doesn't make sense. It's frustrating. It's time consuming. It's going nowhere and then BOOM! It happens. Eureka. Yep. Just like that. Eureka. This timeline is our 'eureka' moment. We've been working behind the scenes on this Magazine for 7 years and in 2024 we finally realize our calling....to help Women do exactly what we JUST DID these past 7 years. Our timeline is VISUAL PROOF of what building a Personal Brand takes and MUCH of that is self-exploration. And THAT is what we want to do. Our slogan is 'Feel Seen.' If you noticed it's similar to the slogan of Cutie Booty Media, INC. which is to 'Feel Cute.' Well, in order to 'Feel Cute,' one must 'Feel Seen' first right? Right. And just to be perfectly clear, we're not talking about 'feeling seen' by other people. We're talking about 'feeling seen' by YOU! If you don't understand what that means, PLEASE stick around because that is exactly what we're trying to do is educate Women just like you! So yeah. That is what we're doing here. Helping Women build, develop, and maintain their personal brands. We did it for 7 years and now we want to teach other Women how to do just that, but hopefully in WAY less time! Enjoy this Cutie Throwback! Self-Reflection is a MUST in building your Personal brand and you don't know how to do that, keep scrolling and find out how!! Welcome, Cutie!
"Back in the days when I was young I'm not a kid anymore but some days I sit and wish I was a kid again..."
2017. 'The Cutie Booty Magazine' is born.
These were the first images posted to our CEO's Facebook and Instagram. There was not an official FB & IG account for The Cutie Booty Magazine © at that time. As you can see there were several attempts to present ourselves as more established virtual publications that cater to Women. That got real boring, real fast. What message are we giving the Cuties when we as a Magazine are putting so much effort into 'trying' to "look" like someone else? Eve worse, what are we saying to the Cuties when we put effort into ANYTHING other than being ourselves? These are the real life questions we were forced to answer as we continued to explore our identity and mission. An important part of building your own personal brand.
2018. 'Under Construction.'
At this time Cutie Booty Media™, INC. was the main platform for The Cutie Booty Magazine ©. Everything the Magazine did was tied to the Cutie Booty Media™, INC. brand. This was an interesting time because while trying to figure out who we were, we had the nerve to create promo videos. Girl what are you even promoting? To make matters worse, our CEO turned her personal Pinterest into a space for idea creation for The Magazine and in doing so began to see engagement. The boards that were created were used to gauge the interest of Women in virtual spaces. We also created articles for our 'blog' within the Magazine, and we played with a variety of ideas we believed Women would engage with online including 'Cutie Booty Concepts,' 'Taboo,' 'Cookie Jar,' 'Black Girl Culture,' as well as 'Dope Notes,' which would eventually become a video series featuring life tips from the CEO of Cutie Booty Media™, INC. There is a very good chance that we may have been using the promo videos to 'see' if something sparked in our creative team's mind about which way we should go visually as far as our brand was concerned; but you must decide intention before you worry about motion...if you care about where you're going you do!
2019. 'Dope Notes' Series is Born.
Our focus was 'Content' because our CEO's training in Radio Broadcasting and Journalism taught her that 'content was king.' We were trying everything to see what 'felt' authentic to our effort to help Cutie Booty Media™, INC.'s 'Feel Cute' mission. After being inspired by the visuals she'd been playing with for months, our CEO decided to create a 365 long video series giving life tips to Women ages 18-34. She made it to 263 videos before the end of the year. In the meantime, the magazine had been doing CRAZY NUMBERS on Pinterest. Our articles were getting SO MUCH engagement on the app BUT WE weren't getting engagement on OUR WEBSITE! So we were doing something RIGHT but just not right enough for folks to want to go back to our website and learn more about it. This was an eye-opening time for us as it taught us about the movements and potential engagement behaviors of our audience. We took it in stride and continued to build...
2020. Covid 19.
Our engagement on Pinterest was steadily climbing all last year and at least into the first quarter of 2020 for obvious reasons. It was such a weird time. We continued to create and share videos with vague ideas about what the Magazine was about and while it did drive engagement to our social media accounts, it never lasted long and it still wasn't tied to any mission and as result we continued to get engagement that barely effected site visits. This was encouraging but frustrating at the same time and this is when we made a decision to consider the analytics in our brand strategy.
2021. '1 Million viewers. A month.'
We'd made it up to 1 million viewers a month on our Pinterest account. 1 million viewers A MONTH. Of COURSE we were HYPE! But after analyzing the data we realized that of those millions of viewers, only like .005% of that engagement was TOUCHING our website. What gives? Is our message not clear enough? Why aren't the Cuties coming to the site? How is engagement this insane on this app and so little of it is connected to our website? This was when we began to consider that we had to grow up in a lot of ways tech wise. We needed our own site. We needed our own social media accounts. Maybe we weren't giving the Cuties the impression we wanted them to get when they see our content. This is around the time we started to crack down on our analytics. Our creative team had just been pumping out content and not keeping track of what the Cuties were interested in based on the data. Our CEO worked as a Behavioral Therapist for 4 years and studies Psychology in undergrad so she had an understanding about data and human behavior. This was the time she started using those skills to analyze the data she'd curated In order to create a brand strategy she not only could feel proud about, but also successfully aid Cutie Booty Media™, INC. in their efforts to help Women 'Feel Cute.' We took the data from Pinterest, IG, Twitter, and whatever other social media accounts we created and began researching it and developing strategies that would get this magazine launched.
2022. 'FOCUS'
This year was about getting clear about what our analytics was telling us across the board. What were our site analytics and what did it tell us about the content we were sharing? What about Pinterest? IG? Twitter? And let's get an actual YouTube page started shall we? That way we can get the analytics on that. What we learned was that the more we dug into the data and actually sat with what it was telling our creative team, the clearer our imaging got, it was remarkable! Our decision to include our analytics from the last 6 years was helping to shape our mission and our vision.
We know you can see the difference! That's the result of the data. Our data told us what images Cuties were clicking on, what time of week the Cuties were pulling up to our site and then it hit us....it was our sight. Even though our Pinterest was poppin' our site WASN'T. Just go look! Look at how jumbled up everything once looked and then look at how we pulled up in 2023 and you BETTER BELIEVE that our analytics changed for the better after we made the necessary adjustments. We also REFUSED to end the year without a clear cut plan on what our mission was. It would change a couple of more times before we finally settled on our final decision about how the Magazine would move forward.
2024. 'Brandin' "The Cuties!"'
Our timeline demonstrates the ups and downs of finding yourself. Failing over and over and over again to find out what we're all about or at the VERY LEAST what we DESIRE to be all about and it's never been clearer. The same way we took the time to find out who we are and what we're about is EXACTLY the kind of mission our Creative Team can get behind. We've made the mistakes. We've paid our dues. We've collected the data. We've analyzed the data. Now it's time to put it to the test. Is this what the Cuties really want? That remains to be seen. But our past proves what we're willing to do to get it done. So in the meantime, stay tuned and please continue to support our work of supporting the Cuties globally! Thanks for reading and be sure to follow us EVERYWHERE on social media!